GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) – For parents everywhere, staying on top of their family’s health is a top priority. During a time like the pandemic, money can get tight. An app created by Florida experts, including one University of Florida professor, is helping thousands of families get past these obstacles.

The app is called C3S.

“Rather than building new hospitals, we are building applications that will allow us to be able to take control of our health and well-being,” said UF College of Medicine professor and the app’s advisor, Dr. Jeffery Goldhagen.

The app uses artificial intelligence to expedite the process for individuals in getting access to social and health care. The platform brings a range of services to patients and providers.

“In a nutshell, C3S connects patients, health care providers and social care providers with a single holistic solution,” said the app’s founder, Dr. Mintu Bachann. “Instead of walking in somewhere or waiting a few days or weeks … you just log in and type what you need … and immediately it gives you resources and connects you to those resources.”

Providers can send screening questionnaires, referrals, and more all through the app.

“Health care itself contributes 10% to health outcomes,” Dr. Goldhagen said. “The other 80-90% has to do with the environment and the resources that individuals have access to.”

The software helps to determine those social and environmental obstacles the family or individual is dealing with, which gives the provider and the person in need the best options.

“If you believe, as I do, that people have a right to optimal health and well-being … then this is the tool to ensure they have the capacity to address those issues themselves,” Dr. Goldhagen said.

It’s a technology that has stood out to even the experts, even after 45 years of experience, said Dr. Goldhagen.

“It allows us to care for infinitely more people than we could care for ourselves. It’s among the most exciting transformative technologies that I have been involved with,” he said.

Right now the app is available in Florida, New Jersey, and Ohio, but they have plans to push beyond those boarders.

“This is just the beginning for us. We are hoping to go nation-wide at some point. Our goal is to help everybody.”

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